
Acupuncture is a method of treatment derived from Chinese Medicine. Although severely underutilized in western culture, acupuncture is rapidly gaining attention and respect throughout the world. This method involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points or areas of the body to initiate a local and neurological response. This method is combined with other modalities such as body ... Read More

Acupuncture is a method of treatment derived from Chinese Medicine. Although severely underutilized in western culture, acupuncture is rapidly gaining attention and respect throughout the world. This method involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points or areas of the body to initiate a local and neurological response. This method is combined with other modalities such as body work, cupping, scraping, movement and mobility exercises, herbs, supplements, and nutrition to form an integrated approach to health.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy involves the manipulation of soft tissues: skin, fascia, and muscles for the purpose of establishing and maintaining good physical condition, comfort, and relief of pain.

Cheyenne was an accountant for many years before the clinic was established. She has helped build the practice from the ground up, actively running the clinic from behind the scenes. Her primary job is being a mom to two girls of whom she homeschools. Cheyenne contributes to the clinic as a licensed massage therapist and certified nutrition coach.

-Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT)

-Certified Nutrition Coach (WAG)

Cheyenne was an accountant for many years before the clinic was established. She has helped build... Read More

As a collegiate athlete and a naval officer, Zach experienced a life changing medical event that would impact the course of his profession. In 2006, Zach was accepted into Flight School, and transferred to Officer Candidate School, his first step to becoming a Naval Aviator. Due to a documentation error in his medical paperwork, Zach received 16 vaccinations in the course of 8 days. This immediately led to an autoimmune internal bleeding condition that caused him to lose 30 pounds at the beginning of Officer Candidate School. While able to finish OCS, he was permanently grounded from flying, and medically discharged 6 months later. He soon moved to Arizona in search of care at the Mayo Clinic, but found little help. After 2 years of no improvement, Zach finally met Marcelle Hanish, an acupuncturist that specialized in autoimmune conditions. Marcelle became his practitioner, mentor, and friend. EVERYTHING CHANGED. His health completely shifted, and he quickly enrolled in a 4 year program to become a licensed acupuncturist.

Zach found eastern medicine to be the catalyst of healing. Now, this discovery has led Zach to dedicate his life to the study and practice of eastern medicine, specializing in the treatment of athletes. Zach is a graduate of the Graduate School of Integrative Medicine where he spent a total of 5 years and nearly 4,000 hours in classroom and clinical education including acupuncture, herbal medicine, biomedical sciences, mind-body study, and asian bodywork.

As a collegiate athlete and a naval officer, Zach experienced a life changing medical event that ... Read More

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Located at: 130 N College Ave, Ste 1, Fayetteville
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